Roulette Re: Random Thoughts


Trusted Member
Random thoughts? You talk about test runs of the odd million or so spins of the wheel, well, leaving the premise of (a) having the funds in your pocket, and (b) conveniently being in the only casino in the known universe that allows (unlimited) wagering amounts, to play this (hypothetical) number of spins, would take in excess of 8 years, playing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, etc, etc,etc!!,
I have yet to read anyrhing that leads anywhere towards making money at a roulette table, or even considers logistics, economics, or the effective charting of variables that differentiat each spin.
The point of this (essentially) guessing game is to master it just enough to make more money than you walked in with, and, possibly to make a littie more tonorrow or next week or whenever, but this endless and provocative procrastination has no bankable value, -none!

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